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There is nothing more useful than a good name, and nothing makes it so firmly as a virtue.

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-Hello, Mr. Eliseev? 
-Eliseev. Who is says? 
-Lieutenant Rzhevskiy. When is the store of your name open? 
-At nine o'clock. 
-Thank you! 
11 pm. 
-Allo! Mr. Eliseev, when finally open your store? 
-Lieutenant, at nine o'clock. I already told you. At nine o'clock. 
5:00 am. 
-Allo! Eliseev?! 
-I listen to hell. 
Open-ever your shop or not??? 
-At nine o'clock!At nine! But you, Lieutenant, that you, there will never be allowed. 
-I do not have to go to them. I want to get out of there.